Thursday, March 18, 2010

Accepted and final draft submitted to Trans. on AP-S: A Through-Dielectric Radar Imaging System

If you like radar imaging systems then stay tuned for this article, which was accepted for publication 1/31. Last week i submitted the final draft. We are very exited about this article and hope that you find it interesting too. Subscribe to IEEE AP-S and more:


Through-lossy-slab radar imaging will be shown at stand-off ranges using a low-power, ultrawideband (UWB), frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar system. FMCW is desirable for through-slab applications because of the signal gain resulting from pulse compression of long transmit pulses (1.926-4.069 GHz chirp in 10 ms). The difficulty in utilizing FMCW radar for this application is that the air-slab boundary dominates the scattered return from the target scene and limits the upper bound of the receiver dynamic range, reducing sensitivity for targets behind the slab. A method of range-gating out the air-slab boundary by significant band-limiting of the IF stages facilitates imaging of low radar cross section (RCS) targets behind the slab. This sensor is combined with a 1D linear rail and utilized as a rail synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging system. A 2D model of a slab and cylinder shows that image blurring due to the slab is negligible when the SAR is located at a stand-off range of 6 m or greater, and thus, the two-way attenuation due to wave propagation through the slab is the greatest challenge at stand-off ranges when the air-slab boundary is range-gated out of the scattered return. Measurements agree with the model, and also show that this radar is capable of imaging target scenes of cylinders and rods 15.24 cm in height and 0.95 cm in diameter behind a 10 cm thick lossy dielectric slab. Further, this system is capable of imaging free-space target scenes with transmit power as low as 5 pW, providing capability for RCS measurement.